
Dr. Shehla Altaf

Board Chair
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Dr. Shehla Altaf is a lifelong student of knowledge with a strong sense of purpose and curiosity, which she has carried through her studies as a medical student, in her practice as a physician, and in the 2 decades she has spent studying Qur’an and Islamic studies. On her mission to change the world for the better, she has dedicated her life to instilling Love of our Rabb in the hearts of people around her, as well as compassion for His creation. To that end, she is a teacher of the Qur’an, has Ijazah in the 10 Qirat, has worked in multiple masaajid and hifdth programs, and serves the community however she can in other capacities. She is a wife, a sister, a mother of two adult boys, and a grandmother to two beautiful children. She loves to teach, connect with other people, walk in nature, travel, play sports, and watch crime shows.

Sh. AbdulNasir Jangda

Board Member
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Sh. AbdulNasir Jangda is the founder, director, and an instructor at Qalam Institute. He is a faculty member at the Qalam Seminary where he teaches Sahih Bukhari, advanced Tafseer, Usul, Fiqh, and Balagha. Born and raised in Dallas, TX, he currently resides there with his wife and three children. He memorized the Qur’an at an early age. After high school, he studied the Islamic sciences full-time at Jamia Binoria where he specialized in Fiqh and Tafsir. He graduated from the rigorous ‘alim program in 2001 at the top of his class. He also attained a B.A. and M.A. in Arabic from Karachi University while completing a Masters in Islamic Studies from the University of Sindh. After returning home, he taught at the local university and Islamic schools and served as local Imam.


Dr. Abu-Bakar Zafar

Board Member
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Dr. Abu-Bakar Zafar is an ophthalmologist by profession, specializing in Cornea and Refractive Surgery at Carle Foundational Hospital. He is also a Clinical Associate Professor at Carle Illinois College of Medicine and works with medical students and residents. He enjoys supporting young businesses and invests in promising entrepreneurs. He is equally committed to the work and is especially interested in those who focus on charitable and social goals such as One Ummah and ALMAZ Wearables. Originally from Panama City, FL, he lives in Champaign, IL with his wife and two little ones. In his downtime, he unwinds with woodworking and watching sports.



Zubair Zafar

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Zubair Zafar, originally from Panama City, FL, studied economics and English at the University of Florida. Realizing that the corporate rat race was not his calling, he moved to Dallas, TX to study Arabic and Islamic studies at Bayyinah Institute and Qalam Institute, respectively. Upon completing his education and working as a teacher in one of the largest Islamic schools in America, Zubair moved to Atlanta to join the Roswell Community Masjid as their first full-time Executive Director. After serving in that capacity for 3 years, he worked at ISNA and Intuitive Solutions in the non-profit space. Since then, he has received his MBA from Emory University in strategic leadership and non-profit management and is now working on a Graduate Certificate in Philanthropic Studies.

One Ummah is the fulfillment of Zubair’s lifelong dream to help empower a generation of

Sahaba-like Muslims: certain in faith, confident in identity, united in action.


Diara Morales

Chief of Staff
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Diara is a Guatemalan Environmental Engineer with more than three years of experience as a Volunteer Coordinator where she launched and managed more than 180 national and global volunteer experiences. Diara has also served on the board of the Student Association at Rafael Landívar University, among her various leadership experiences.

Diara is passionate about creating a positive impact through her work and life decisions. She likes spending time with her loved ones, exercising, reading, writing, and watching movies


Lubna Merchant

Chief Operating Officer
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Ahmad Aamer

Technology Operations Coordinator
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Ahmad, a dedicated computer programming student at Chattahoochee Technical College in Marietta, Georgia, is passionate about technology and aspires to build a career in the field. In addition to managing the ECIC Free Clinic, where he contributes to healthcare initiatives, Ahmad volunteered as the IT Committee Chair at East Cobb Islamic Center for about two years. When not immersed in studies or volunteering, Ahmad delights in crafting specialty coffee, showcasing his passion for experimentation and sharing his creations with friends and family.


Mahnoor Khan

Marketing Director
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Mahnoor grew up in the metro-Atlanta area, where she was involved in various community efforts that promoted the empowerment of Muslim youth and refugee women through programming, education, and accessibility to healthcare. Somewhere along the way, she noticed a lack of coordination among masaajid, resulting in missed opportunities for higher quality programming and disconnection from the greater community. She is excited to work with One Ummah to address these challenges and help unlock the full potential of the Atlanta Muslim community.

Before joining the One Ummah team, Mahnoor served as CAIR-Ohio’s Communications Coordinator. Her previous experiences also include MIST Atlanta, Golden Age Youth, Global Village Project, and CARE USA.

Mahnoor earned her BA in public health with a minor in education from Agnes Scott College. She enjoys bubble tea, reading, dabbling in the visual & digital arts, and is mom to one very active toddler.


Maria Marin

Sr. Graphic Designer
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Maria is a Journalist and Social Communicator with more than 4 years of experience in the field of digital marketing, graphic design, social media and website management.

She is Creative, proactive, and diligent. Possess the ability to communicate fluently and effectively among peers as well as across business sectors. She has had experience working with diffent sectors such as Muslim non-profit, audit and consulting firms. She Has excellent problem-solving and analytical skills.

Maria has a deep passion for learning, designing, and exploring different cultures. Her family is her most important pillar. She loves sports, traveling, learning about new cultures, visiting new restaurants and she loves to read.

Yusra Khan

Digital Media Manager
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Yusra Khan was born and raised in Atlanta where she has been an active member of her community from a young age. She has held various positions in journalism, marketing, and service, and assists One Ummah through her passion for photography, videography, and content creation. Yusra is a senior at the Georgia Institute of Technology studying biochemistry and enjoys taking part in her MSA.

In her free time, she enjoys reading, painting, spending time with her friends and family, and nurturing young minds at her local masjid’s Sunday school.



Rabikah Shariff

Youth Director
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Sister Rabikah Shariff is the Youth Director at One Ummah and a professional in Data and Analytics Consulting. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Georgia. Dedicated to building prophetic communities, she guides and supports youth in their personal and spiritual growth.


Aminah Muhammad

Youth Coordinator
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Aminah Muhammad is a second-year student at the University of Georgia, pursuing a career as a middle grades educator. Born and raised in metro Atlanta, she currently teaches at a Sunday School in Suwanee, GA. Passionate about supporting young people both inside and outside the classroom, Aminah also engages in coaching and mentorship. She is excited to grow alongside the One Ummah Project team, embodying her philosophy for community work.


Sameera Omar

Fellowship Lead & Youth Director
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Sameera Omar, an Atlanta native, is currently studying psychology at Georgia Tech. Her experience working with various tech start-ups there sparked her passion for community-building and organizational development. After a brief period of study at Bayyinah in Texas, she spent several years collaborating with nonprofit organizations such as MIST, LaunchGood, and RCM, which helped her hone her skills in teamwork and creating high-quality experiences.

For the past four years, Sameera has been working at a public charter school, where she connects parents of at-risk students with essential resources and support. She has a deep passion for working with youth and has been teaching high school girls in Gwinnett since 2012. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, traveling, burritos, tennis, and curling up with a good book.


Yusuf Khan

Youth Director
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Yusuf Khan has been an active member of the greater Atlanta Muslim community for over 10 years. He has served as a Sunday school teacher, youth group leader, private Quran and Islamic studies tutor, and interim imam in the metro Atlanta area. His passion lies in studying the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions, exploring how their wisdom can be applied in the modern day to benefit the Muslim community at large.

In collaboration with One Ummah, Yusuf aims to develop a curriculum that enables youth mentors to better support young members of the community and strengthen their Muslim identity. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, tennis, trying new foods, and working out.


Hassan Faye

Youth Director
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Ustadh Hassan Faye was born in The Gambia and moved to the United States at the age of 10. He became a Hafidh at 13, completing his memorization at Dar Al Uloom in Atlanta, Georgia. At 21, he enrolled in the year-long intensive Arabic program at Bayyinah Institute, where he gained a deeper understanding of Quranic verses. After completing the program, he returned to Atlanta and now serves as a Hifdh teacher and youth leader, providing counseling to youth at various local masjids in Atlanta.


Fatima Saeed

Curriculum Developer
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Fatima grew up in Baton Rouge, LA and then moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2016. After working as a tutor throughout high school, she realized her passion for working with kids and wanted to find a way to incorporate Islam into her career goals. She’s excited to work towards that through her roles as a Curriculum Developer and Youth Mentor with One Ummah Project.

Currently, Fatima is a junior at Georgia State University majoring in Early Childhood Education. She is also one of the Religious Coordinators for her Muslim Student Association and works as a Sunday school teacher for her local mosque. In her free time, Fatima enjoys baking and hanging out with friends.

Fatima Chaudhry

Curriculum Developer
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Fatima Chaudhry is a rising senior at Georgia Tech studying Psychology. She is an Atlanta native, growing up in midtown Atlanta for the majority of her childhood. In the 2022-2023 school year, Fatima served as the President of the Muslim Students Association at Georgia Tech. In the future, Fatima hopes to go to law school soon and ultimately practice for a non-profit, inshAllah.

Fatima loves to journal, bake brownies, read every now and then, and embroider. Deeply, Fatima hopes to be a reflection of Allah’s Noor in this world and hopes that she can help One Ummah actualize their goal, inshAllah.


Imam Hikmat Yar

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Imam Hikmat Yar is the imam of East Cobb Islamic Center. He memorized the Quran when he was 14 years old in Pakistan. Imam Hikmat has been working with the Muslim youth in Canada since 2008. He was the youth programs coordinator at ISNA masjid in Mississauga, Canada from 2008-2012. They organized weekly and monthly programs for high-school students, incorporating sports, activities, Qiyams at the masjid etc.

Imam Hikmat also had the pleasure of teaching a full time tafeedh program at Tarbiyah Elementary School in Milton, Canada from 2014 to 2017.

Currently, he is enrolled in an ijazah program for memorization and tajweed. He is also working to increase his knowledge of Islam and Arabic through online classes Alhumdulilah.

Nabeel Alauddin

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Nabeel believes khutbahs are an amaanah. He had a faith crisis in his youth, and by Allah’s Mercy, his doubts were addressed from the pulpit. He has been a student of khutbah preparation and delivery for 20 years and has studied under teachers well-known and well-hidden. He has served as a board member at Noor Islamic Cultural Center and A Continuous Charity-Ohio. Today he works in marketing for tech company Cockroach Labs, creators of CockroachDB.

He has an MBA from Quantic Business School and a BS in information systems and Arabic from The Ohio State University.

Nabeel currently resides with his family in Hiram and enjoys playing basketball.

Fayaaz Mohammed

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Coming Soon


Renee Alnoubani

New Muslim Project Lead
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Renee is originally Palestinian and grew up in Atlanta, GA. She is a student at Georgia Tech pursuing an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering and minor in Sustainable Cities. She is the Sustainability Intern and Green Team lead for the Roswell Community Masjid and works as a Fellow for the Kendeda Building at Georgia Tech. Renee is the current president for the Muslim Students Association and loves to get involved in her community. In her free time, Renee enjoys woodworking, salvaging wood, ceramics, playing basketball, and watching the sunrise.

Jude Hasan

Team Member
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Jude Hasan is an undergraduate student studying Computer Science at Georgia Tech.
Bridging her Palestinian origins with her life in Puerto Rico, she embraces a unique cultural blend. She’s passionate about cooking, running, and reading in her free time. Jude seeks to uplift and help unite this Ummah, aspiring to leave a compassionate and lasting impact on the world inshaAllah.

Nadine Ahmed

Team Member
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Nadine Ahmed is a 4th year Neuroscience major at Georgia tech and is passionate about healthcare. She likes to read memoirs and listen to audiobooks!

Saima Firoj

Team Member
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Saima Firoj is a rising fourth year at Georgia Tech studying Biochemistry, Spanish, and Health Sciences. In the future, she aspires to work in the medical field. She has been an active member of the GT MSA during her time there, and with the New Muslim Project and One Ummah, she hopes to continue spreading the light of Islam and Allah’s boundless love. In her free time, she enjoys running, cooking, traveling, and reading.