Assalamu alaikum,

 My name is Zubair Zafar, and I am the founder of One Ummah. Growing up in the South, in a post-9/11 world, I saw Muslims increasingly become targets of scrutiny, negative attention, prejudice, and even predatory laws from the government itself. As a child, I vividly remember seeing newscasts of Muslims on television constantly being vilified and ridiculed. Worst yet, our community’s response was always fearful and apologetic. I dreamed of something better.

 I had a vision of an Ummah where Muslims would practice Islam like the Sahaba – certain in their faith, confident in their identity, and united in their action. As the years went by, I only grew more resolved in this idea that Muslims need to practice Islam from a place of strength and pride, and we need the support to do so. How this could be achieved, of course, was still the question.

 I wasn’t able to answer “how?” until I became the Executive Director of a Masjid. As the center of community for most American Muslims, and as the only divinely inspired institution, Masjids were the answer. If we wanted lasting and far-reaching impact, we needed to support our masaajid not only as houses of worship, but also as true community centers… my vague dream started to formulate into an idea for an organization.

 One Ummah is a social enterprise whose mission is both simple and oh-so-complex: unite the Ummah. We realize that this is broad and incredibly ambitious. Across the board, we have noticed that our masaajid are stretched too thin. This is where the One Ummah Project comes in — one way in which we seek to solve the Ummah’s problems is by supporting masaajid (and other Muslim organizations) with the knowledge, skills, resources, and networks to serve their communities with Ihsan.


To unite the ummah by empowering masaajid with the knowledge, skills, resources, and networks to serve their community with Ihsan.


An Ummah, united, where every single masjid thrives as a place of worship and community.



Data shows that the typical masjid in America falls short on fulfilling Muslims’ need for communal identity and on providing solutions to their very real concerns, such as rampant Islamophobia, racism, loss of identity, and declining mental health.


Confident. Connected. Character-driven. Youth360 envisions a world where every Muslim youth feels a sense of belonging to their community and connection to their faith.


Since the time of the Prophet (SAW), community has played a vital role in Muslim life. The masjid was the hub for all communal activities, offering companionship, support, and even shelter to anyone who sought it.


A common challenge that a typical masjid faces is that of attracting more community attendance and participation in masjid programming and fundraising. They often lack marketing talent and are unable to produce and push strategic and engaging digital content.


Volunteer management can be a daunting task, but with our volunteer management program, you can easily manage your volunteers and their activities.

Our program is designed to help you streamline the process of recruiting, scheduling, and tracking volunteers.


We recognize that our services and programs are not a “one-size-fits-all” solution, which is why we are committed to working with you in order to understand your needs and create custom solutions that can be of benefit to your masjid and community.

Please reach out to arrange a consultation, and let’s work together to determine the best way to move forward for your community.