We believe that the Friday Khutba is the single greatest way a masjid can work towards solving communal problems. Our Khateeb Collective aims to raise the standard of the Friday Khutba by training individuals to deliver engaging, informed, and relevant khutbas, ultimately maximizing the spiritual benefit of this communal resource.


of children raised Muslim, don’t identify as Muslim into adulthood.


of Muslim Americans reported religious discrimination in 2016

Muslim children are nearly four times as likely to face bullying at school than their peers, a quarter of the time being from their educators.

U.S. Muslims are two times more likely to have attempted suicide compared with other religious groups.



Zubair Zafar

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Zubair Zafar, originally from Panama City, FL, studied economics and English at the University of Florida. Realizing that the corporate rat race was not his calling, he moved to Dallas, TX to study Arabic and Islamic studies at Bayyinah Institute and Qalam Institute, respectively. Upon completing his education and working as a teacher in one of the largest Islamic schools in America, Zubair moved to Atlanta to join the Roswell Community Masjid as their first full-time Executive Director. After serving in that capacity for 3 years, he worked at ISNA and Intuitive Solutions in the non-profit space. Since then, he has received his MBA from Emory University in strategic leadership and non-profit management and is now working on a Graduate Certificate in Philanthropic Studies.

One Ummah is the fulfillment of Zubair’s lifelong dream to help empower a generation of

Sahaba-like Muslims: certain in faith, confident in identity, united in action.

Imam Hikmat Yar

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Imam Hikmat Yar is the imam of East Cobb Islamic Center. He memorized the Quran when he was 14 years old in Pakistan. Imam Hikmat has been working with the Muslim youth in Canada since 2008. He was the youth programs coordinator at ISNA masjid in Mississauga, Canada from 2008-2012. They organized weekly and monthly programs for high-school students, incorporating sports, activities, Qiyams at the masjid etc.

Imam Hikmat also had the pleasure of teaching a full time tafeedh program at Tarbiyah Elementary School in Milton, Canada from 2014 to 2017.

Currently, he is enrolled in an ijazah program for memorization and tajweed. He is also working to increase his knowledge of Islam and Arabic through online classes Alhumdulilah.

Nabeel Alauddin

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Nabeel believes khutbahs are an amaanah. He had a faith crisis in his youth, and by Allah’s Mercy, his doubts were addressed from the pulpit. He has been a student of khutbah preparation and delivery for 20 years and has studied under teachers well-known and well-hidden. He has served as a board member at Noor Islamic Cultural Center and A Continuous Charity-Ohio. Today he works in marketing for tech company Cockroach Labs, creators of CockroachDB.

He has an MBA from Quantic Business School and a BS in information systems and Arabic from The Ohio State University.

Nabeel currently resides with his family in Hiram and enjoys playing basketball.

Fayaaz Mohammed

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Coming Soon

In an era where disconnection from the masjid is on the rise, it’s crucial to tackle our community’s challenges head-on. The population of the unmosqued is growing, exacerbating existing issues, while the onset of the COVID pandemic has heightened mental health concerns, including isolation, anxiety, and depression.

Though not the only solution, the Friday Khutba is the single greatest way a masjid can work towards solving these problems. 80% – 90% of a typical masjid’s constituency is exclusively served through the khutba, and in a COVID world, the khutba may be the only program a masjid offers consistently [Not sure if this is still true – may need editing to fit current context or maybe can be removed altogether. The pandemic is not fully in the past, but some masjids are operating like so and others are still trying to find their footing with “post” covid programming]. If this one service is improved through strategic planning, proper coordination, and phenomenal execution, khutbas not only have the potential to address these issues but can elevate the entire masjid as a whole.

That’s where One Ummah’s Khateeb Collective comes in. We will provide 4 khateebs on a monthly basis to deliver khutbas according to the pre-designed curriculum (provided through a monthly brief). In addition to scheduling and training khateebs for your masjid, we will conduct research on underlying community issues and develop khutbas that strategically address your community’s needs. We will then coordinate khateeb collaboration and programming on those topics. After khutbas have been delivered, we will measure community improvement through surveys and other indicators. The price for this service is commensurate with each community’s capacity and need.

If you are interested in bringing this service to your masjid, please reach out to arrange a consultation via the form below.

Schedule a Khateeb

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