Community Development, Youth360

Empowering Youth: Unveiling the Impact of Youth Council

In today’s rapidly changing and increasingly stressful world, fostering a sense of connection and empowerment among the youth is crucial for positive development. The recent findings from our youth council survey shed light on the attitudes and beliefs of our young members, providing valuable insights into their self-perception, community engagement, and personal growth as a result of their involvement with our Youth360 program. Here are the top four findings from our survey:

  1. Disconnectedness and Its Ripple Effect

A notable observation from the survey is the correlation between feelings of disconnection from parents or guardians and a parallel disconnect with self-worth and the belief in making a difference in the world. When a youth council member expressed disagreement with feeling connected to their parents, they also disagreed with feeling good about themselves and believing in their ability to make a positive impact on the world. This underscores the crucial role of strong familial connections in enhancing a young individual’s self-esteem and sense of purpose.

  1. Positive Affirmations: Building a Foundation for Empowerment

Despite the challenges related to family connections, the survey showcased overwhelmingly positive attitudes among youth council members towards various aspects of personal development and community engagement. A staggering 95% expressed confidence in their decision-making abilities, while 100% felt capable of handling problems. The unanimous agreement on having goals for life, the importance of doing the right thing, being a role model for others, and the desire to do their best, highlights the foundational impact of our approach on nurturing confidence and personal growth. 

  1. Community Engagement and Altruism

Furthermore, the youth council members displayed a remarkable commitment to community service and a sense of responsibility towards others. A significant majority agreed or strongly agreed that it is important to offer help whenever there is a need and to care about the impact of their actions on those around them. This altruistic mindset suggests that these youth are not only focused on personal growth but are also actively seeking ways to contribute positively to their communities. It is a testament to the positive influence of our program in instilling a community-centric ethos among our youth.

  1. Youth Council as a Catalyst for Growth:

Perhaps the most exciting revelation from the survey is the positive impact of prolonged youth council involvement. The longer a youth has been engaged with the youth council, the greater their reported gains in crucial life skills. These include the ability to determine community needs, solve problems, set realistic goals, show a responsible attitude, and understand what it takes to be a leader. 

These findings underscore the transformative power of our Youth360 program and youth council training. By fostering strong familial connections, instilling positive affirmations, and actively engaging with the community, our program empowers youth to develop confidence, embrace personal growth, and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards others. The data not only reinforces the program’s effectiveness but also serves as a testament to the potential for creating future leaders capable of making a meaningful impact on the world.


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