Since the time of the Prophet (SAW), community has played a vital role in Muslim life. The masjid was the hub for all communal activities, offering companionship, support, and even shelter to anyone who sought it. For Muslims today, community attachment is more important than ever as society grows more secular and divided. Yet, more and more Muslims are distancing themselves from the masjid, reserving it as solely a place of prayer that one may visit once a week, if that.

One of our goals at One Ummah is to make the masjid a focal point of Muslim life again. The masjid is meant to be a center for spiritual and social connection, brimming with life and energy.

Our approach is based on the Hadith of Six Rights by establishing a culture centered around these rights, we can build strong, vibrant, and supportive communities. This includes monthly Suhba events that we plan and lead for you, a community enrichment program that encourages active community involvement and deeper connection, and the end-goal of consistent community-driven programs, as well as a formal communal support structure.

No more worrying about who will take up the mantle after our current dedicated leaders! With our methodology in place, we can build a strong foundation on which each community member feels empowered and takes ownership of the community’s well being – reflecting the characteristics of a truly prophetic community.

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