Empowering Youth: Unveiling the Impact of Youth Council

In today's rapidly changing and increasingly stressful world, fostering a sense of connection and empowerment among the youth is crucial for positive development. The recent findings from our youth council survey shed light on the attitudes and beliefs of our young members, providing valuable insights into their self-perception, community engagement, and personal growth as a result of their...

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Nurturing Growth: 5 Ways Parents Can Foster Positive Development for Youth

As parents of adolescents, you hold a significant influence in shaping your children's journey of positive youth development. Beyond meeting their basic needs, you have the remarkable ability to shape their character, instill values, and inspire a lifelong love for learning. In this blog post, we explore the vital role parents play in fostering positive youth development during the adolescent...

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Lasting Connections: Nurturing Community Beyond Ramadan

Think about the best and worst times you’ve spent at the masjid. What draws you to a certain masjid? What makes you want to stay away from others? For many people, their favorite masjid experience is associated with how someone made them feel— perhaps someone greeted them with a smile, they were invited to an event, or they attended taraweeh...

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A Quick Start Guide to Welcoming New Muslims at the Masjid

For new Muslims, coming to the masjid can be both an exciting and overwhelming experience. As a community, it is important that we take care of our new brothers and sisters in faith to make their transition into Islam as easy as possible. Here are some tips that can help us support them! Introduce yourself! Give them a gift! Exchange numbers...

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Beyond Taraweeh: 5 Tips to Help Your Community Maximize the Last 10 Nights

The month of Ramadan exudes a spirit that is felt by all Muslims, but its beauty is that everyone can experience it differently. For many, the reward of Ramadan is attained by fasting, reading Quran, praying taraweeh, and other spiritual acts. While these acts are hugely important, it is crucial to remember that not everyone in the community has the...

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