Community Development, No Muslim Left Behind

A Quick Start Guide to Welcoming New Muslims at the Masjid

For new Muslims, coming to the masjid can be both an exciting and overwhelming experience. As a community, it is important that we take care of our new brothers and sisters in faith to make their transition into Islam as easy as possible. Here are some tips that can help us support them!

Introduce yourself!

  • Give them a gift!
  • Exchange numbers – let them know you’re available if they’d ever like to reach out. 
  • Set up a time to meet up with them (to get to know each other, chat, coffee, etc.)

It’s key that they know they have someone from the community to lean on, so they don’t feel alone.

Assist them at the masjid!

Chances are, they’ve taken their Shahada at the masjid. 

  • See if they’re open to learning how to pray.
  • Avoid possibly overwhelming them with the Arabic that is said at each step; assist them based on their current knowledge. 
  • If they’re starting from the basics, walk them through each step. Let them know they can begin by praying in English. This could be as simple as saying “Praise be to God” in each position. 

Follow up!

Check in on them regularly, especially in the coming weeks/months. Be supportive and resourceful however you can. 

  • Offer to take them to lunch, invite them to a masjid event, etc.
  • Offer to take them to Jumu’ah.
  • Direct them to qualified people and resources that can help them grow and learn on a consistent basis (e.g. teachers, scholars, classes, support groups, etc.)
  • Bonus: if it’s Ramadan, invite them over for Iftar, offer rides to Taraweeh, etc! 

If these tips are helpful to you, share them with your community. Let’s all come together to create better support systems for our new brothers and sisters in faith. Save this post for the next time you meet a new Muslim, and share anything else you’d like to add in the comments below!


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